Thursday, 5 March 2015

Rough Cut 2

This is the second rough cut for my final piece. Here I have changed the order of my sequence, added some addisive dissolves and tested out some darker music for the voice over to contrast with the upbeat backing track that has been used for the title sequence. There are still features that need to be changed but these should not take long to do.

1 comment:

  1. There's a slight mood disparity in terms of the music you've used at the start. I think if you're going to go with the downbeat music, there needs to be a more knowing segue into the upbeat music of the titles. For example "I'm just Rosie... and what the hell have I got to be miserable about?" - vinyl scratch sound - upbeat music kicks in with the blackout. I still think you could do with more footage of Rosie at the start - more of a montage than you have - if you have time to shoot it with Erin. It strikes me that the ident isn't actually Fox Searchlight; we'll need to dig that one out. The crossfade at 02:08 needs to kick in slightly later so that the two camera movements combine (you need to lose the static section). The split-screen sequence could possibly do with being cut down a little.
