Thursday, 13 November 2014

Continuity task

Today we were introduced to our first assessed piece of work. The continuity task. The brief we have recieved for this task is as follows:

Continuity Task plus blog

Continuity features:
  • Action Match
  • Shot/ reverse shot
  • 180 degree rule
A character:
  • opens a door (ACTION MATCH)
  • crosses a room (180 DEGREE RULE)
  • sits on a chair facing another character
  • exchanges dialogue (SHOT/REVERSE SHOT)
With this brief in mind myself and Ben began to mindmap some basic dialogue senarios that we could use and expand on for our squence. Here is the mindmap that we created with our basic ideas and senarios:

As you can see at the bottom of the page we have choosen to expand on the theme of break-ups. To make the senario more interesting for the audience we decided the character of James would be leaving for the army and as a result has to break the news to his girlfriend Lucy. Whilst Lucy would be willing to keep the relationship going long distance, James feels that it would not be fair to string it out and that the best option would be to break up. We end the scene with James leaving Lucy in tears at her house.
Once the scenario had been decided we began to think about pre-production material that would be needed. Below are both the script and storyboard that we created for our scene. I worked on the storyboard to match with Ben's script and as we had already decided that we were to shoot in my house, I was able to match the storyboard to the enviroment and props that I knew were avaliable to us.

Now that both the script and storyboard have been completed we can scheduel our shoot and ensure that we have recruited actors for the avaliable day. The next step for us now is to think about health and safety measures on the shoot and how we can overcome these difficulties before moving onto the shooting scheduel. 

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